Learn You a Distributed Computing for Great Good!
Revision v0.11
这份笔记大部分是 我 从 韩神 和 邱巨 处抄袭、总结或与他们请教而来;如果有任何错误,那肯定是我搞错了,与大腿们无关。
also see blockchain-crypto#approaches
- atomicity 原子性
- consistency 一致性
- 数据库的完整性没有被破坏
- from one valid state to another 从一个有效状态到另一个有效状态
- 写入的资料必须完全符合所有的预设约束、触发器、级联回滚等
- 防止数据库被污染
- isolation 隔离性, 独立性
- 允许多个并发事务同时对其数据进行读写和修改的能力
- 事务隔离分为不同级别
- 未提交读(Read uncommitted)
- 提交读(read committed)
- 可重复读(repeatable read)
- 串行化(Serializable)
- durability 持久性
- 事务处理结束后,数据的修改是永久的,系统故障也不会丢失
- Consistency 一致性
- 一致性分类
- Serialisability v.s. Linearisability
- Serialisability
- multi-operation, multi-object, arbitrary total order
- a guarantee about transactions, or groups of one or more operations over one or more objects.
- ACID 中的 I
- Linearisability
- single-operation, single-object, real-time order
- a guarantee about single operations on single objects
- Linearizability for read and write 是 “atomic consistency”, 是 CAP 中的 C
- Availability 可用性
- Partition tolerance 分区容错性
- Concurrency Control
- Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC)
- the database writes (but doesn't commits) the transaction when receiving it
- check validity/conflict --> commit/roll-back
- Pessimistic Concurrency Control (PCC)
- lock the resource before being written to the log
- if locking successfully --> commit & unlock
- Timestamp Ordering (T/O)
- Coordinator-based Concurrency Control
- Atomic Commit
- Two Phase Commit (2PC)
- 不能处理fail-stop形式的节点failure
- 同步阻塞
- 3PC
- 加入超时
- 可以有效的处理fail-stop的模式, 但不能处理 一致性问题 (比如 fail-recover)
- ...
传统的SQL数据库的事务通常都是支持ACID的强事务机制(强一致性的体现). NoSQL 通常注重性能和扩展性.
- NoSQL 仅提供对行级别的原子性保证
- 同时对同一个Key下的数据进行的两个操作,在实际执行的时候是会串行的执行,保证了每一个Key-Value对不会被破坏
BASE: 对CAP中一致性和可用性权衡的结果
- Basically Availability 基本可用
- Soft state 软状态
- 弱状态:也称为软状态,和硬状态相对,是指允许系统中的数据存在中间状态,并认为该中间状态的存在不会影响系统的整体可用性,即允许系统在不同节点的数据副本之间进行数据同步的过程存在延时。
- Eventually consistency 最终一致性
- 经过一段时间的同步后,最终能够达到一个一致的状态
- 放弃 Strong consistency 强一致性
- State machine replication is a general paradigm for implementing fault-tolerant services by replicating servers and coordinating client interactions with server replicas.
- Place copies of the State Machine on multiple, independent servers.
- Receive client requests, interpreted as Inputs to the State Machine.
- Choose an ordering for the Inputs.
- Execute Inputs in the chosen order on each server.
- Respond to clients with the Output from the State Machine.
- Monitor replicas for differences in State or Output.
- Properties
- safety
- (Informal) When decisions are made by any two correct nodes, they decide on non-conflicting transactions.
- 诚实的节点对合法交易将达成统一的 (consistent) 意见
- liveness
- (Informal) $T$-Liveness: each honest node terminates and outputs a value at the end of $T$.
- The value of $T$ depends on the research problems and protocols.
- 一笔合法交易在合理时间长度内会被确认
- total ordering
If a correct replica has delivered $m_1, m_2, \dots , m_s$ and another correct replica has delivered $m_1', m_2', \dots , m_{s'}'$, then $m_i = m_i'$ for $1 \leq i \leq min(s, s')$.
Permissioned vs Permissionless
- Consortium Blockchain
- 半信任的威胁模型
- 被动性的错误(比如 fail-stop 停止工作)
- Public Blockchain
- 拜占庭威胁模型
- 主动攻击性的错误
- 说谎,伪造消息,合谋攻击,或者展开具有选择性的 DoS 攻击
- Paxos
- 在比较温和的威胁模型里工作的 (Crash Fault Torelance, CFT, fail-stop)
Byzantine Fault Torelance
Requires >= 2f+1 honest nodes (<= f Byzantine nodes) in order to achieve safety and liveness, where there are totally n = 3f + 1 nodes (in async?)
- https://medium.com/thundercore/consensus-series-preliminaries-a3bab33ae09
- 1/2 in sync, 1/3 in async?
- Existing research shows that n ≥ 3f + 1 is required to achieve agreement in partially synchronous networks, and n ≥ 2f + 1 is required to achieve agreement in synchronous networks
- "Byzantine quorum systems" by Dahlia Malkhi and Michael Reiter
- "Consensus in the presence of partial synchrony" by Cynthia Dwork, Nancy Lynch and Larry Stockmeyer
- PBFT paper section 3
注:Nakamoto Consensus (NC, or Proof-of-Work) 是 byzantine fault tolerant 的,但是一般 BFT 协议指 classical BFT protocols based on SMR,一般不把 NC 叫做 BFT protocol。但是也有人把 NC 叫做 BFT protocol,因为他确实 byzantine fault tolerant。
Network Assumption
- Synchrony
- a known finite time bound
- Algorand 怼了 Ouroboros (ADA, IOHK) 说它是 sync
- Partial Synchrony
- an unknown finite time bound, or a known finite time bound plus a known clock drift (Global Stabilisation Time, GST)
- HotStuff.
- PODC'19 (ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing 分布式计算理论顶会)
- Facebook's LibraBFT
- Weak Synchrony
- 长时间但是有上限的 async 之后 strongly sync 一段足够的时间 (to ensure safety)
- 也就是 每段 有界时间段里面有一部分 strong sync
- Asynchrony
- delivered eventually but without a finite time bound
- async
- 在这之前的 BFT 协议中拜占庭协议所使用的通讯网络是一个同步网络
- can achieve safety in asynchronous networks, but not liveness
- PBFT requires synchrony to achieve liveness
- OSDI'99 (Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation 操作系统顶会)
- Barbara Liskov
- Paxos 协议的拜占庭版本
- 在 Paxos 协议中加入了一个验证步骤来防止拜占庭错误
- Steps
- pre-prepare 序号分配
- prepare 相互交互
- commit 序号确认
- pre-prepare & prepare 保证同一个 view 中的请求有序
- Prepare & Commit 保证不同 view 中的请求被有序地执行
- 怀疑primary节点出错时, 进行 View change
- 防止backup节点无限地等待请求的执行。
- 确保即使当前的primary节点出错,整个系统也能继续运行。
- PBFT 中 assume 了 weak synchrony
it must rely on synchrony to provide liveness
Tendermint BFT
- elastico: "tendermint is essentially a variant of PBFT"
- Asynchronous Byzantine agreement protocols by Bracha
- 存在的问题是 scalability
- 对于 transactions of size B
- bracha 的通信复杂度是 $O(n^2*B)$
- HoneyBadgerBFT 的是 $O(n*B)$
- HoneyBadgerBFT 用的是 erasure-coded broadcast
- small client-load 时可以考虑使用 bracha broadcast 来代替,throughput 更大,lantency 更低
- BEAT 的是 $O(B)$
- CCS'18 (ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 安全顶会)
Sybil Attack 女巫攻击
BFT 要求一大部分(通常是 2/3 以上)的参与者都不是恶意的, 在非许可环境下,一个攻击者可以使用被称作女巫攻击 (Sybil Attack) 的手段模拟出大量的参与者,从而轻易地控制住参与者中的绝大多数。
PoW 中出块其实就是 block producer 的 election, 通过 PoW 使 block producer 身份伪造有成本,PoW 可以抗 Sybil Attack.
PoW 其实只是 membership 的门槛, nakamoto consensus 除了 PoW 其实还和 longest chain 紧密相关。(Assume honest 节点占大多数,于是他们出块更快,更容易占据更长链。)
- 苏黎世理工 课程讲义
- "There are $n$ nodes, of which at most $f$ might be faulty (or Byzantine). Each node $P_i$ starts with an input value (say $u_i$). The nodes must decide one of those values (say $v_i$), satisfying three properties: Agreement, Validity and Termination."
- 教科书上的
- Agreement
- All correct processes must agree on the same value.
- For any two honest players $P_i$ and $P_j$, $v_i = v_j$.
- Validity
- The decision value must be the input value of a node.
- $\forall i: u_i \in \langle v_i \rangle$.
- Termination
- (Informal) All correct nodes terminate in finite time.
- All the honest players terminate with probability 1.
- 这几年新提出的
- Linearity
- First proposed in HotStuff.
- Any correct leader sends only $O(n)$ messages to drive a protocol to consensus.
- Responsiveness
- First defined in Hybrid Consensus.
- DISC'17 (International Symposium on Distributed Computing 分布式计算理论顶会)
- (Informal) The transaction confirmation time depends only on the network’s actual delay, but not on any a-prior known upper-bound.
- A consensus protocol is responsive if nodes can reach the consensus in time depending only on the network’s actual $\delta$ (message delays), not on the loose upper bound $\Delta$ (known upper bound on message delays).
Blockchain Properties
- Common prefix (Consistency)
- $k$-common-preifx
- $T$-consistency
- Chain growth
- $(\tau, s)$-Chain growth
- For any honest party $P$ with chain $C$, it holds that for any $s$ rounds there are at least $\tau \cdot s$ blocks added to the chain of $P$.
- 以相对于 $T$ 压倒性 (overwhelming) 的概率,在任意时刻,诚实参与者的链在过去的 $T/g$ 轮中,至少增长了 $T$ 个消息。称 $g$ 为该协议的 chain growth.
- Chain quality (Fairness)
- $(\mu, k)$-Chain quality (Fairness)
- The proportion of blocks in any $k$-long subsequence produced by the adversary is less than $\mu \cdot k$, where $\mu$ is the portion of mining power controlled by the adversary.
- 以相对于 $T$ 压倒性的概率,任意诚实参与者的链中的连续 $T$ 个消息中,诚实参与者提供的消息所占比例至少为 $\mu$,称 $\mu$ 为该协议的 chain quality 。
FLP Impossibility
In an asynchronous model with crash failures, it is impossible to find a consensus algorithm that would satisfy safety, liveness and fault tolerance.
在异步通信场景,即使只有一个进程失败,也没有任何算法能保证非失败进程达到 safety & liveness,也就是说没法达到共识 (consensus problem cannot be solved)。
这是因为想要达到 fault tolerance 就要能可靠地检测 failure,但是在异步网络中这是不可能的(就算只检测一个节点失败)。
FLP 基于的假设
- 异步
- 没有时钟、不能时间同步、不能使用超时、不能探测失败、消息可任意延迟、消息可乱序
- 通信健壮
- 只要进程非失败,消息虽会被无限延迟,但最终会被送达;并且消息仅会被送达一次(无重复)
- fail-stop
- 只有 crash failure 宕机错误
- 但其实 omission failure 和 Byzantine failure 也包含了 crash failure,所以对于 omission failure 和 Byzantine failure 也适用
- 失败进程数量最多只有一个
与 Paxos 矛盾吗
Paxos 算法的场景比 FLP 的系统模型还要松散:异步通信,允许消息丢失(通信不健壮)。Paxos 中存在活锁,理论上的活锁会导致 Paxos 算法无法满足 Termination 属性,也就不算一个正确的一致性算法。Lamport 自己也承认这一点,并建议通过 Leader 来代替 Paxos 中的 Proposer,而 Leader 则通过随机或其他方式来选定(Paxos 中假如随机过程会极大降低 FLP 发生的概率)。但仍不影响 Paxos 被认为最伟大最牛的一致性算法。
具体来说,Paxos 在 partially synchronous 下是正确的。在 async 下则不满足 termination。不过一旦网络重新恢复 partilally sync,Paxos 又能 terminate。[WDAG97]
同步共识如果有 f 个节点崩溃就需要至少执行 $f+1$ 轮 [LF82]
DR82? DR85?
- deterministic consensus needs $\Omega(f^2)$ (也就是 $O(f^2)$ ?) messages [DR85]
- TODO: Cannot solve Broadcast against omission adversary with just $(f/2)^2$ messages
优化网络传播: 网络传播影响孤快率/分叉, 影响一致性 (reference: [PSS17], [DW13])
在一个完全异步的环境中,对抗方可以随意延迟消息。对抗方只需控制一小部分算力就可以很容易地使来自诚实方的消息延迟足够长的时间,长到对抗方确保能够拿出比所有诚实方更长的链(这条链可以包含任何对抗方想要的记录),从而随时可以使得 诚实方切换到对抗方的链。
此处只列出一些比较重要的攻击,更多攻击 见 https://chrislinn.gitbooks.io/blockchain-cheatsheet/content/blockchain/attack.html
- 51% 攻击
- 需要激励矿工维持全网算力
- p2pool 和 一些山寨币 就是因为没有算力维护所以容易被 51%
- incentive compatible, game theory
- SoK: Tools for Game Theoretic Models of Security for Cryptocurrencies
- Incentive Compatibility of Bitcoin Mining Pool Reward Functions
- sucker punch makes you richer
- Lay Down the Common Metrics: Evaluating Proof-of-Work Consensus Protocols' Security
- undercutting attacks
- selfish mining
- Sybil Attack 女巫攻击
- Eclipse Attack 日蚀攻击
- PoS 中的 long range attack 长程攻击
- 解决办法
- PoW
- 增强随机数的安全性
- 太坊 2.0 信标链中使用 RANDAO + VDF 随机选取出块人
- 还可以解决 Nothing-at-stake Attack
- Proof of Space and Time
- sharding 中的 1% 攻击
- PoW
- 比如分 100 片,那么分片上的算力只占 全网 1%,也就是说只需要 1% 的算力,就能完全控制该分片(1% 攻击)
- PoS
- 解决办法: 随机数
- 将节点随机分配到分片,防止作恶者将算力汇集到某一分片
- 无法选择被分配到哪个分片
- 无法提前知道会被分配到哪一个分片
- 使用 blockhash 可能被操纵
- VRF, 可被验证但不可被预测
- Zilliqa 中选取节点
- Algorand 中抽签
- Avalanche 也用了 VRF,但是其 committee 更加去中心化
Sharding 中要考虑的一些问题
- 节点分配的 randomness
- cross-shard 的 conflict
- cross-shard 的 atomicity
- Sharding 中的 网络假设